- 森本 卓也, ゲルの力学, 機械の研究(養賢堂), 76 (2024) 555-565.(解説記事)
- Morimoto T., Sato K., Contact responses between a semi-circular ring and a rigid plane, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 264 (2023) 112122. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2023.112122
- Morimoto T., Ashida F., Inoue N., Hayashi R., Curvature arising in shape memory polymer sheets via light absorption, Acta Mechanica, 233 (2022) 5403-5413. DOI:10.1007/s00707-022-03400-6
- Ashida F., Morimoto T., Kuwahara R., Adaptive control of an unsteady stress oscillation in a functionally graded multiferroic composite thin plate, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 95 (2022) 104643. DOI:10.1016/j.euromechsol.2022.104643
- Morimoto, T., Ashida, F., Saito, T., Contact mechanics between a holey rubber block and a rigid plane, Mechanics Research Communications, 119 (2022) 103821. DOI:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2021.103821
- Morimoto, T., Ashida, F., Tomita, T., Elastic buckling of a free-standing annulus subjected to partial shrinkage, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 177 (2020) 105610. DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105610
- Morimoto, T., Ashida, F., Yamane, D., Finite bending of a stretchable thin-film transistor, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59 (2020) 044001. DOI:10.35848/1347-4065/ab7bae
- 森本 卓也, 辻 知章, 畑 俊明, 「慶應義塾大学・早稲田大学」大学院:材料力学入試問題と解答集(第2版)(2016年度~2020年度), NPO法人 固体の力学研究会, 2020.
- Shabana, Y.M, Morimoto, T., Ashida, F., Micromechanical Constitutive Equations for the Effective Thermoelastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composites, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44 (2018) 763-776.
- Ashida F., Sakata S., Morimoto T., Fujiwara H., Piezoelectric control of a transient thermoelastic displacement distribution in a composite disk, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 41 (2018) 1558-1576.
- Ashida, F., Morimoto, T., Ozaki, H., Active cancellation of unsteady stress oscillation in a functionally graded piezoelectric thin plate subjected to impact loading. European Journal of Mechanics—A/Solids, 67 (2018) 84–91.
- 森本 卓也, エラストマーの単軸引張試験, 実験力学, 17 (2017) 74-78.(解説記事)
- 成田 史生, 森本 卓也, 村澤 剛, 楽しく学ぶ材料力学, 朝倉書店, 2017.
- Morimoto T., Ashida F., Hayashi Y., Swelling-Induced Bending of Hydrogel Bistrips, in: Belyaev A.K., Irschick H., Krommer M. (Eds.) Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines, Springer, 2017, pp. 85-92.
- Morimoto, T., Iizuka, H., Ashida, F., Residual twist in a double-layer strand and its correlation with bending fatigue, Acta Mechanica, 228 (2017) 2799–2810.
- 森本 卓也, 辻 知章, 伊藤 勝悦, 畑 俊明,「慶應義塾大学・早稲田大学」大学院:材料力学入試問題と解答集(2013年度~2016年度), NPO法人 固体の力学研究会, 2016.
- Fukuda K., Sekine T., Shiwaku R., Morimoto T., Kumaki D., Tokito S., Free-Standing Organic Transistors and Circuits with Sub-Micron Thicknesses, Scientifc Reports, 6 (2016) 27450.
- Ashida F., Morimoto T., Yamada T., Adaptive control of maximum thermal stress in a smart piezocomposite disk, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 39 (2016) 314–325.
- Morimoto, T., Suzuki, H., Iizuka, H., Wear rate and fracture toughness of porous particle-filled phenol composites. Composites Part B, 77 (2015) 19–26.
- Morimoto, T., Ashida, F., Temperature-responsive bending of a bilayer gel. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 56-57 (2015), 20–28.
- Morimoto T., Iizuka H., The deformation–diffusion coupling in thin elastomeric gels, in: Belyaev A.K., Irschick H., Krommer M. (Eds.) Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems, Springer, 2014, pp. 229–237.
- Murasawa, G., Takahashi, R., Morimoto, T., Yoneyama, S., Inhomogeneous Deformation Twinning Measurement Using Digital Image Correlation and Acoustic Emission, Experimental Mechanics, 55 (2014) 65–76.
- Ashida, F., Morimoto, T., Ohtsuka, T., Dynamic Behavior of Thermal Stress in a Functionally Graded Material Thin Film Subjected to Thermal Shock. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37 (2014) 1037–1051.
- Morimoto, T., Iizuka, H., Tensile behaviors of pre-twisted composite strands, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 83 (2013) 193–205.
- Morimoto, T., Iizuka, H., Conformal contact between rubber band and rigid cylinders, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 79 (2012) 044504.
- Murasawa, G., Morimoto, T., Yoneyama, S., Nucleation and growth behavior of twin region around yield point of polycrystalline pure Ti, Experimental Mechanics, Experimental Mechanics, 52 (2012) 503–512.
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- Morimoto, T., Iizuka, H., Self-equilibrium configurations of composite cords, Composite Structures, 94 (2012) 1575–1581.
- Morimoto, T., Iizuka, H., Rolling contact between a rubber ring and rigid cylinders: mechanics of rubber belts, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 54 (2012) 234–240.
- Morimoto, T., Tanigawa, Y., Elastic Stability of Inhomogeneous Thin Plates on an Elastic Foundation, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 77 (2007) 653–674.
- Morimoto, T., Tanigawa, Y., Linear Buckling Analysis of Orthotropic Inhomogeneous Rectangular Plate under Uniform In-plane Compression, Acta Mechanica, 187 (2006) 219–229.
- Morimoto, T., Tanigawa, Y., Kawamura, R., Thermal Buckling of Functionally Graded Rectangular Plates Subjected to Partial Heating, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 48 (2006) 926–937.
- Morimoto, T., Tanigawa, Y., Kawamura, R., Thermal Buckling Analysis of Inhomogeneous Rectangular Plate due to Uniform Heat Supply, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 26 (2003) 1151–1170.
- Nonogaki, M., Morimoto, T., Nakahara, N., Method of Determination of Truncation Parameters from Measured Surface Profile, Tribology International, 36 (2003) 745–752.
- 森本卓也・谷川義信・河村隆介:板厚方向に温度変化を受ける直交異方性不均質長方形板の熱座屈解析, 傾斜機能材料論文集, 16 (2003) 130–135.
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